The following terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") set forth the contractual agreement between Kingfisher Airlines Limited ("Kingfisher") and the Member (as such term is defined hereinafter).

Guests are advised to read these Terms and Conditions prior to making an application for membership of the Kingfisher’s King Club programme. Further, Members are advised to read these Terms and Conditions before quoting the King Club membership number to Kingfisher or any programme partner of Kingfisher.

The Members are further advised that no clause be read in isolation. The rule of construction, if any, that a contract should be interpreted against the parties responsible for the drafting and preparation thereof, shall not apply.

In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the same meaning as set out hereinafter:

1. "Applicant" refers to any individual who fills in and mails the King Club Enrolment form to King Club Service Centre or enrols in the King Club programme from the Kingfisher website (

2. "Base King Miles or Base Miles" means the miles accumulated by the Member in the King Club Membership account for flying on valid Kingfisher flights and appearing on astatement issued by Kingfisher. These Miles are included to determine Membership and tier status, as and when applicable.

3. "Bonus King Miles" means the miles rewarded by Kingfisher over and above the Base King Miles. Such Bonus King Miles are purely at the sole discretion of Kingfisher and these miles do not contribute to the Membership or tier status of the Member and appear separately on a statement issued by Kingfisher.

4. "Data" means information personal to a Member, including without limitation, name, address, telephone number, date of birth, employer, seat/meal preference, class of travel flown by the Member, King Miles accumulated, contacts with Kingfisher, any information received from a Programme Partner as a result of using services provided by the Programme Partners and other travel data.

5. "Fraud" means fraud, dishonesty, and deceit, and includes, without limitation, knowingly supplying incorrect information at any time to accrue King Miles, attempting to accrue King Miles for sectors that have not been flown or are not eligible for King Miles, altering any documents to procure King Miles, attempting to accrue King Miles for sectors flown by any person other than the Member, using or attempting to use stolen or counterfeit tickets on Kingfisher or Programme Partner, attempting to accrue King Miles more than once for the same sector, selling, bartering and/or purchasing King Miles or King Rewards, including attempting to sell or transfer King Miles or King Rewards by means of Internet based sales or auctions, knowingly benefiting from the Fraud or Misconduct of another Member or individual.

6. "Guest" means a passenger or customer of Kingfisher Airlines or Programme Partners.

7. "King Club or King Club programme" means the loyalty programme driven by Kingfisher offering benefits, facilities or arrangements to a Member on account of their Membership with King Club.

8. "King Club Card" or "Membership Card" means the membership card issued by Kingfisher to a Member.

9. "King Reward ticket" means a free ticket issued to a Member by Kingfisher or its Programme Partners on redemption by the Member of an appropriate part of that Member’s King Miles from the Member’s King Club Membership account.

10. "King Miles" means the Base King Miles or Partner King Miles or Bonus King Miles.

11. "King Rewards" means any tickets, rewards or benefits that are issued against redemption of King Miles.

12. "Member" means a Guest enrolled as a member of the King Club.

13. "Membership" means membership of the King Club.

14. "Partner King Miles" means the miles accumulated by a Member into the King Club Membership account for using the services of the Programme Partners and appearing on a statement issued by Kingfisher. These Miles are not included whilst determining Membership and tier status.

15. "Processing" means obtaining, using, examining and verifying or recording in any electronic or any paper form.

16. "Processed" means the completion of Processing.

17. "Programme Partners" means any airline, company or organisation designated as Programme Partner by Kingfisher.

18."Qualifying Charge" means the charge or expense incurred by a Member for using the services, benefits and facilities of Programme Partners, which is eligible for earning Partner King Miles in accordance with the policies of the Programme Partner.

19. "Qualifying Flight" or "Valid Flight" means a flight operated by Kingfisher flown by the Guest upon the purchase of a paid ticket against the fare that is eligible for earning miles.

21. "Sector" means a single direct eligible flight sector between two destinations, such as Delhi- Mumbai.

1. Membership to the King Club programme is open only to individuals who are above of 12 years of age at the time of enrolment in the King Club programme.

2. Membership is not open to companies, partnerships, unincorporated associations or other such entities.

3. Membership is not open to employees of Kingfisher.

4. Membership to King Club is offered at the sole discretion of Kingfisher and Kingfisher may refuse Membership to any person without assigning any reasons.

5. The King Club Membership number is as specified on the enrolment form. The Guest becomes entitled to use the Membership number specified on the enrolment form as soon as the Member gets the King Club Membership number. However, King Miles are credited to the account only once the application of the Guest is approved by Kingfisher Airlines.

6. King Club Membership card is valid for use only during the period indicated on it. TheKing Club Membership card and Membership number may be used only by the Member.

7. The King Club card and the King Club account numbers are non-transferable.

8. The King Club card is not a credit card and may be used only for purposes that have been defined in the King Club programme.

9. In the event of loss of King Club Membership card, a duplicate card shall be issuedon a written request to King Club Service Centre and the charges applicable for the issue of a duplicate Membership card shall be 200 King Miles or Rs. 200/- (payable by a/c payee cheque/ Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Kingfisher Airlines Limited”). The Member shall be solely liable for any fraud or loss caused to Kingfisher by such lost Membership card.

10. A Guest can enrol to only one King Club Membership account at one time. In the event that more than one King Club account number is assigned to the same Member, Kingfisher reserves the right to merge the two accounts and determine the account, which shall survive the merger.

11. Fraud or misuse of King Club Membership card or King Club programme benefits may result in termination of Membership or withdrawal of benefits at thediscretion of Kingfisher.

12.In case of Fraud or misuse of King Club Membership card or account, the Member concerned would be personally liable for any and all costs, taxes, charges, claims or liabilities of any nature, arising from the benefits, facilities or arrangements provided or made available to a Member by Kingfisher Airlines or its Programme Partners pursuant to the Membership to the King Club programme.

13. Kingfisher will endeavour to procure that the services, benefits, facilities and arrangements as expressed or advertised by the Programme Partners will be available to Members, however, Kingfisher will not be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect arising from the provision or non provision, whether whole or part, of any such services, benefits, facilities or arrangements by its Programme Partners.

14.In addition to these Terms and Conditions, when a Member seeks to use or obtain any services, benefits, facilities or arrangements offered by a person or entity other than Kingfisher, including without limitation, a Programme Partner, the Member would be bound by the respective terms and conditions of the provider of said benefits, facilities or arrangements.

15. Failure of a Member to quote the King Club Membership account number and name as mentioned on the plastic King Club Membership card or the enrolment form (where the plastic King Club Membership card has not been issued) when booking and/or checking in for flights on Kingfisher or its Programme Partners may result in applicable King Miles not being credited to the Member’s account and neither Kingfisher nor its Programme Partner will have any responsibility for such failure of Kingfisher to credit King Miles.

16. The King Club Membership card shall at all times remain the property of Kingfisher and Kingfisher reserves the right exercisable at any time in its absolute discretion and without giving notice or assigning any reasons to such Member to refuse or revoke Membership or upgrade or assign such Member to any tier of Membership.

1. A Guest may apply to become a Member by filling and submitting an enrolment form to King Club Service Centre.

2. Alternatively, Guests may apply online to enrol in the King Club programme through Kingfisher’s website,

3. Guests who have so submitted a completed enrolment form to the King ClubCustomer Service may quote the Membership number specified in the enrolment form, however, Membership is subject to confirmation by Kingfisher and no credits of King Miles will accrue or be honoured until the duly filled enrolment form has been processed by Kingfisher and the same has been notified by Kingfisher to the Guest.

4. An applicant for Membership must supply all of the information required in the King Club Membership application form.

5. Applications will not be considered for enrolment if found incomplete in any manner or if any of the details provided at the time of enrolment are found to be incorrect or non factual.

6. King Club may accept or reject any application for Membership in its absolute discretion and without assigning any reasons. If an application for Membership is rejected, then any benefit that may have accrued to such Guest shall automatically stand forfeited.

7. The Member will be mailed their plastic King Club Membership card only on completion of 3 Valid Flights on Kingfisher. The Member has a minimum period of 12 months to complete the requirement of 3 valid flights in order to be eligible to receive a plastic Membership card. On completion of 3 such flights, the plastic King Club Membership card will be mailed to the Member. The Member shall be solely responsible to check if a flight is a Valid Flight.

8. The Membership number as provided on enrolment will entitle the Member to accrue King Miles until the Member has received the plastic King Club Membership card.

9. The King Club Membership card shall at all times remain the property of Kingfisher and Kingfisher reserves the right exercisable at any time in its absolute discretion and without giving notice or assigning any reasons to such Member to refuse or revoke Membership or upgrade or assign such Member to any tier of Membership. The Member shall return the plastic Membership card to Kingfisher within 15 working days from the date when requested to do so by Kingfisher Airlines.

1. King Club programme comprises of King Red, King Silver and King Gold tiers representing the first, second and third levels of the King Club programme.

2. Upgradation to the King Silver and King Gold tiers depends on the applicable level of Kingfisher flights and/or Base King Miles that have to be flown or accumulated in a stipulated period of time.

3. Tiers are valid for a year and are reviewed annually.

4. Once assigned or upgraded to a tier status, the Member has to complete the basic number of flights or accrue certain number of basic King Miles, as may be specified by Kingfisher from time to time, within the specified time limit to retain the Membership tier. A Member who has not completed the required minimum level of activity in terms of Valid Flights and/or King Miles to retain the tier status or Membership in the King Club would be downlisted or inactivated, without any requirement of Kingfisher Airlines giving prior notice to such Member.

5. King Miles on a date would be valid till the last day of the third calendar year from the date on which they were accrued. For e.g., King Miles accrued on 16th January,2006 or on 13th March 2006 would all be valid till 31st December 2009.

6. Kingfisher may, from time to time, change the number of flights operated by Kingfisher, the Base King Miles needed to qualify for each tier or the Basic King Miles accrued by a particular class of travel on any Sector, without any requirement of giving prior notice to the Member.

7. King Miles are not transferable and cannot be combined with King Miles of any other King Club Membership account or a loyalty or frequent flyer programme of a Programme Partner of Kingfisher.

8. At no time may King Miles be credited to, or King Rewards be purchased by or sold to or transferred to any person. Any such transfers of King Miles or King Rewards are void and would make the King Miles liable to be forfeited. Any person who commits or attempts to commit any of the foregoing acts is liable to indemnify for any actual or expected damages, litigation and related costs to Kingfisher and/or its Programme Partner (as the case may be). Kingfisher, who reserves the right to terminate Membership of such Member. It is hereby clarified that a Member may redeem King Miles for King Reward tickets (in accordance with the procedure specified in this regard) in the name of any person/s chosen by the Member.

9. King Miles can be accumulated only once per valid flight per Member, regardless of the number of seats purchased. King Miles will be credited only to the Member who has travelled on the flight, on the relevant sector, and not to any third party, irrespective of who has paid for the seat.

10.For connecting flights on Kingfisher network or the network of the Programme Partner, King Miles will be credited as the total of the separate sectors of the trip. However, on direct or through flights with one or more intermediate stops, King Miles will be determined from the place of origin to destination of travel. such other identity proof as Kingfisher may deem proper) for verification.

11 King Miles will accrue for each Sector flown on a Qualifying Flight only. The Member must travel on an eligible fare to qualify for King Miles.

12. Voluntary change in aircraft in lieu of non-stop and/or direct flights for accumulation of additional mileage or segments is not permitted.

13. The following category of tickets/travel do not entail accrual of King Miles:

a) Travel on gratis tickets.
b) Refunded, forfeited and unused tickets, including non-refundable tickets.
c) Airline employees, travel agents, tour conductors and/or other persons travelling on non-revenue basis or travel industry/cargo customer discount fares.
d) Free tickets of any kind, including King Reward tickets issued under this programme.
e) Tickets purchased to carry excess baggage such as musical instruments or to provide extra space for the primary passenger.

1. The onus of advising King Club Service Centre of changes in name, address, contact details or preferences in writing, lies with the King Club Member.

2. Alternatively, a Member may also update his/her address and preference details directly online by logging in at Kingfisher’s website (

3. Name change requests will have to be made in writing duly signed by the Memberand accompanied with the supporting legal documentation specified at the time of making the request.

4. By using the plastic King Club Membership card and/or quoting the King Club Membership account number to Kingfisher and/or any Programme Partners, a Member consents to Kingfisher creating, maintaining and updating Data. The Data will be maintained and updated for the purpose of providing relevant information and services to the Member.

5. For reasons of security and identity verification, a Member may be asked certain questions before revelation of Data pertaining to the Member that is held by Kingfisher.

6. Where a Member has registered online or if the Member’s signature has not been registered with Kingfisher, Kingfisher reserves the right to require the Member to produce valid photo identity proof (such as passport/ driver’s license/ PAN card or such other identity proof as Kingfisher may deem proper) for verification.

7. Only the Member would be eligible to obtain Data from Kingfisher relating to his/her own Membership, however, Kingfisher may disclose Data relating to a Member to a third person who has been nominated in this regard in writing by the Member to Kingfisher in advance. Not withstanding the foregoing, any and all Data or information in a Member’s King Club account may be disclosed by Kingfisher, as may be required by law, including without limitation, disclosure to the police, immigration and customs authorities.

8.The Member is responsible for the security of his/her online logins and passwords and Kingfisher shall have no liability whatsoever in the event of a misuse or fraudulent use of a Member login or password.

9. Kingfisher reserves the right to block online access to Data by or though any thirdparty website not authorized by Kingfisher.

10. In an effort to provide valuable information and offers to Members, Kingfisher develops mailing lists for use by themselves and their Programme Partners. These lists are developed under strict conditions designed to safeguard the privacy of the Member’s information. As part of providing value added services to the King Club Members, Kingfisher reserves the right to send special offers/products to the Members regarding King Club, Kingfisher and/or its Programme Partners.

11. Consent to receive such offers will be deemed as given until such time that the Member expressly withdraws his/her consent to receive mailers and offers from Kingfisher and its various Programme Partners by opting out of the relevant preference either by notifying the King Club Service Centre in writing or online on Kingfisher website. Kingfisher will remove, or in the case of a Programme Partner, make efforts to procure the removal of, the name of such Member from the mailing list within 30 working days. Withdrawal of consent may result in certain services not being offered and/or provided to the Member.

1. Members earn Base King Miles along with a special Kingfisher Bonus (as is reflected in King Miles Chart), that Kingfisher may at any time in its discretion, terminate or alternate; for travel undertaken on a Qualifying Flight operated by Kingfisher. Members can check the fare rules for flights eligible to be a Qualifying Flight with the King Club Service Centre.

2. King Miles will be earned by the Member only on successful completion of the flight.

3. A new King Club Member may claim mileage for eligible Kingfisher flights taken up to 6 months prior to the date of enrolment into the King Club (but not earlier than January 16th, 2006) by providing the boarding passes or such other acceptable evidence of having successfully flown the flight to the King Club Service Centre at the time of enrolment to the King Club program.

4. The King Miles for a valid flight on Kingfisher or a Programme Partner shall be based on the King Miles chart, which shall be prepared by Kingfisher. The number of King Miles for a valid flight will be based on the Member’s RBD class of booking and sector of travel. The maximum Base King Miles will be accrued on the highest fare level on every Sector. Qualifying flights flown on fares less than full fares may not accrue any Base King Miles or may accrue Base King Miles less than Base King Miles accrued on the highest fare on a qualifying flight.

5. To ensure credit of King Miles, the Member must make all his/her bookings in the same name as printed on the King Club Membership card, or where the Membership card has not been issued, as submitted in the King Club enrolment form.

6. To earn King Miles, the Member must quote the King Club Membership account number at the time of making the booking and also present the plastic King Club Membership card at the time of check-in.

7. If a Member gets involuntarily re-routed by Kingfisher on another carrier for reasons within Kingfisher’s reasonable control, and the original Kingfisher flight on which the Member was booked would have qualified for Basic King Miles, the Member may request for credit by sending the booking details, i.e. PNR no. and date of travel along with the original boarding pass and ticket of the airline on which the travel has been endorsed, to the King Club Service Centre. Basic King Miles would be credited on confirmation of the above.

8. No King Miles will be accrued where a flight (operated by Kingfisher or its Programme Partner) booked is cancelled or re-routed due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of Kingfisher, including without limitation, weather delays.

9. King Miles will not be credited for travel where Member gets re-routed by any other carrier to Kingfisher or its Programme Partner, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

10. All activities that are not tracked automatically at the time of travel may be credited later at the discretion of Kingfisher subject to the claim for King Miles being made within 6 months from the date of travel or the relevant transaction.

11. In case of any Bonus King Miles promotion, the Member will be required to quote the specific promotion or campaign code in order to become eligible to earn the Bonus King Miles. Retrospective credit will not be given for Bonus King Miles if the promotion or campaign code is not quoted by the Member at the time of booking the flight.

12. The Member is solely liable to check whether the King Miles have been correctly credited to the King Club Membership account or not.

13. Members are advised to retain their boarding passes till the King Miles accrued appear on their quarterly statement. Members shall immediately and in any case within six months from the date of travel, report any omissions or errors in their King Club Account to the King Club Service Centre via email, fax or online at

14. Kingfisher is not responsible for the delivery of any correspondences addressed to King Club Customer Service.

15. Altered, mutilated or illegible documents will not be accepted for the purpose of crediting or debiting of King Miles.

16. Where the Member is also a member of frequent flyer programme or the loyalty programme of the Programme Partner, the Member can choose to receive the Partner King Miles in either the King Club programme or the programme of the Programme Partner.

1. The Membership is valid till the end of the first calendar year from the date of Membership, unless extended by Kingfisher Airlines .

2. The validity of King Miles and Membership are independent of each other.

1. Members will be emailed a quarterly statement reporting all the activities recorded in their King Club Account since the statement for the previous quarter. The summary statement indicates the King Miles earned on Kingfisher flights and flights of any Programme Partners, as well as any redemption activity.

2. In case of a dispute about entitlement to King Miles, Kingfisher may require proof of travel including the retained segment of the boarding pass and passenger receipts for the Sector claimed to have been flown. Claims must be lodged in writing or on Kingfisher website no later than 6 months from the date of travel.

3. King Club Members, who have not had their email addresses recorded with the King Club Customer Service or through Kingfisher website, would be sent a quarterly paper statement.

4. King Club account statements are also available online of Kingfisher website. To access the Membership account statement online, the Member must register with and login through Kingfisher’s website with his/her user identity and password.

5. Should a Member require a paper statement in addition to an electronic statement, Kingfisher will send a paper statement at a charge of 100 King Miles to the member’s King Club account.

1. Members may redeem their King Miles for a King Reward ticket only after having recorded a minimum of 4,000 King Miles in their King Club account.

2. King Rewards shall be issued in the sole discretion of Kingfisher Airlines or the Programme Partner (as applicable) and only for Sectors served by Kingfisher Airlines and/or Programme Partner (as applicable).

3. King Rewards will be issued for the shortest route between origin and destination sectors requested for by the member.

4. King Reward tickets shall be issued only after the Member pays the applicable taxes and other applicable governmental charges.

5. Obtaining all relevant documentation (visa, travel, permits etc) as may be requiredfor the intended travel is the responsibility of the Member. If not available, Kingfisher shall not be liable for refusal of entry into any destination by relevant authorities or any other loss caused to the Member.

6. King Reward tickets:

a) King Reward tickets on Kingfisher and Programme Partner may be requested for both one-way and return tickets.
b) King Reward tickets are valid till the date of travel only and cannot be extended under any circumstances.
c) King Rewards may be issued to any name requested by the Member prior to issue of the King Reward ticket.
d) King Rewards tickets issued against King Miles are not eligible for earningKing Miles.
e) There are no blackout dates in relation to Reward tickets. However, King Club Reward tickets are booked under a specific booking class. When the seats reserved under the said class on any given flight is full, applications for redemptions of reward tickets on the said flight cannot be processed.
f) Kingfisher reserves the right to limit the number of seats made available for King Club Reward tickets at its absolute discretion and without requirement of giving any prior notice to the Member.
g) King Rewards are subject to the rules and restrictions of the appropriate governments and governmental entities.
h) In addition to the Terms and Conditions, tickets of Programme Partners may also be subject to the terms and conditions of the Programme Partners in this regard Member shall be responsible to verify the additional conditions that may apply when traveling with Programme Partner.
i) Sale, purchase or barter of King Miles is not permitted and will be considered a breach of these Terms and Conditions, unless the transaction is carried out with Kingfisher’s consent and by its authorized personnel. King Reward tickets donot have any monetary refund value.

Child Redemptions:

a) King Reward Tickets will not be issued for infants (under 2 years of age). A Member traveling on an Award ticket shall pay the applicable revenue fare for the infant.
b) King Reward Tickets requested on Kingfisher Airlines by Members for children below 12 years of age will entail a redemption of 50% of the applicable King Miles for the relevant destination. However for redemptions on Airline Partners of Kingfisher Airlines, redemption will be as per the standard published redemption requirement, irrespective of the age of the guest.
c) All redemption requests by Members for King Reward Tickets for children (of age 2 years and above and less than 12 years) must be accompanied by proof of age of the child. i.e. passport or birth certificate.
d) All redemption requests by Members for King Reward Tickets for children of age 2 years and above and less than 5 years will be processed only if the child is accompanied by an individual 18 years and above responsible for the child and travelling on the same flight.
e) All redemption requests by Members for children of age 5 years and above and less than 12 years of age for travel not accompanied by individuals over 18 years of age, will be processed strictly in accordance with and subject to the Members complying with the policy/procedures on unaccompanied minors set out under "Special Care" on the Kingfisher Airlines website

7. Procedure for offline redemptions

a) King Reward tickets for Kingfisher or its Programme Partners can be redeemed offline by submitting a written request to the King Club Service Centre in the prescribed form filled in and duly signed by the Member.
b) For offline redemption, the Member must provide at least 3 working days for King Club Service Centre to process the request.
c) The applicable taxes and governmental charges are payable at the airport reservations desk.

8. A request for King Reward will not be considered valid unless completed in all respects and duly submitted by the Member. In case of a written request for redemption, unsigned requests will not be processed. Kingfisher reserves the right to verify the signature on the request form submitted by the Member with the signature on the enrolment form or proof of identity provided by the Member.

9. King Rewards will be booked and issued directly by Kingfisher. No other person, including without limitation, travel agencies are authorised to book or issue King Rewards.

10. No open dated King Reward tickets shall be issued under the King Club programme.

11. The King Reward will be issued only after the Member has paid the applicable taxes or governmental charges at the time of taking the King Reward.

12. The Guest will be responsible for all other expenses and any other charges, claims or liabilities arising in relation to the use of King Reward tickets.

13. No King Miles will be redeemed in the case of infants (under 2 years of age) travelling with a Member on a Reward ticket. However, the Member shall be liable to pay the taxes/charges applicable on the infant ticket.

14. Redemption requests may be made through Kingfisher’s website no later than 2 hours before departure of relevant flight.

15. There would be no charges for stopovers included in a King Reward itinerary, where stopovers are at connecting points on the most direct route between the origin and destination.

1. Tickets issued by Programme Partner are valid only for the date printed on the face of the ticket and cannot be changed or extended under any circumstances.

2. Changes to King Reward tickets would be accepted through Kingfisher’s website till 72 hrs before departure of the flight for which the Reward ticket was originally booked and would be subject to availability and other terms and conditions set forth herein.

3. Changes to the date of travel would entail a charge of Rs. 200/- or 200 King Miles, which would be debited to the Member’s King Club Membership account.

4. Any other changes to the reward originally applied for would attract a charge of Rs. 500 or 500 King Miles over and above any additional (if any) King Miles required for the new King Reward ticket.

5. Cancellation of King Reward tickets (other than a Programme Partner ticket) will be permitted up to 2 hrs before departure of the flight (for which the King Reward Ticket was originally booked), subject to a cancellation charge of 500 King Miles being debited to the Members King Club account.

6. King Miles for King Reward tickets that have not been cancelled and are not utilized will not be re-credited to the Member’s account and shall be deemed as utilized.

7. In the event of a no-show on King Reward tickets (Members or Guests who do not present themselves in time for their booked flight) the redeemed King Miles will not be credited back into the Membership account and shall be deemed as utilized.

8. King Miles re-credited against cancellation or as a difference in the changes to the King Reward ticket, will be only re-credited if the King Miles are valid as on the date of such cancellation or a change to the King Reward ticket. If not, such Miles stand forfeited.

1. Kingfisher reserves the right to audit the Member’s King Club account at any time, without notice to the Member, to ensure compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the King Club programme, Kingfisher’s conditions of carriage (which apply to allGuests) and applicable governmental regulations.

2. Kingfisher’s conditions of carriage include a prohibition against actions involving ictitious multiple bookings. In the event that the audit reveals discrepancies or iolations or fraud, the processing or King Reward and mileage summaries may be delayed or suspended until such discrepancies, violations or fraud is resolved.

3. The Membership account of any Member breaching or violating the Terms and Conditions may be withheld (e.g. King Miles may not be redeemed from a withheld account).

4. Kingfisher may impose charges on such Members by deducting King Miles from their King Club accounts.

5. Kingfisher also reserves the right to disqualify any Member from further participation in the King Club programme if in Kingfisher’s sole judgment; such Member has breached the Terms and Conditions or violated the conditions of carriage or any of the rules described herein.

6. Data in physical form will be retained by Kingfisher up to a maximum of 3 months after which Kingfisher may, at its option, preserve an electronic copy of the same.

1. If a Member wishes, he/she may terminate the Membership by providing notice in writing and by surrendering the plastic King Club Membership card to King Club Customer Service. However, such termination of Membership by a Member shall not relieve him/her from any obligations, which are intended to survive, or by its nature survives the termination of Membership. The Member will not be then bound by any continuing obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

2. Kingfisher may at any time in its discretion, terminate or suspend the Membership of any Member and /or the right of any Member to use the King Club Membership card. In case of such termination by Kingfisher, the King Miles in the King Club account of such Member shall stand forfeited. In the case of suspended Membership, Kingfisher may in its discretion, impose a reduction in tier grade and/or debit King Miles and/or request undertakings in respect of future conduct to revive the Membership.

3. On the death of a Member, the King Club account will be closed. However, the Member’s legal heir, on production of relevant documents can redeem the King Miles available in the deceased’s King Club account, subject to the validity of the Miles andthe Membership itself.

1. All transactions/activities in the King Club programme are subject to the Terms and Conditions, any other applicable rules and regulations of Kingfisher governing such activity and are further subject to all applicable laws and regulations.

2. These Terms and Conditions may be changed by Kingfisher from time to time in its absolute discretion and without any requirement of prior notice to the Members. Participation in King Club is subject to the Terms and Conditions and a Member shall be deemed to have accepted the Terms and Conditions (as then existing) each time when such Member quotes the King Club Membership number to either Kingfisher or to any of its Programme Partners.

3. Kingfisher may in its discretion at any time, without giving notice, change or modify or terminate the King Reward structure by revising the King Miles levels required to attain a particular King Reward, stipulate a specified period during which King Miles cannot be redeemed, limit the number of seats available for the redemption of King Miles to any or all destinations or on certain specified flights: alter the number or types of journeys required to obtain a particular King Reward; change, modify or withdraw the King Miles chart, Programme Partners affiliations, change the parties from which a King Reward may be obtained/redeemed, change the length of time after being rewarded within which King Miles must be redeemed; impose a time limit upon validity for redemption of any King Miles issued by Kingfisher; introduce and/or review Membership fees; any special offers, and modify and change the procedures and rules relating to ticketing on redemption of King Miles, as well as any benefits provided in connection with the King Club programme and any special offers or promotional offers made to any tier or group of Members or any other aspect of the King Club programme.

4. Kingfisher may in its discretion at any time, without giving notice, change the Kingfisher programme rules, regulations, King Rewards, mileage reward levels and special offers at any time without notice. This means that Kingfisher may initiate changes, for instance, impacting partner affiliations, rules for earning and credit of King Miles, rules for redemption of King Rewards against King Miles, continued availability of Rewards, blackout dates or limit the seats available for Reward travel to any or all destinations including but not limited to allocations on Reward seats on certain flights.

5. Kingfisher may terminate the King Club programme (in its entirety or part) at any time but will use its reasonable endeavours to give at least three months’ notice to Members. At the end of the period of notice, the Members right to use the services or receive any benefits under or pursuant to the King Club programme, including without limitation, the earning and redemption of King Miles will cease. The Member’s legal heir, on production of relevant documents can redeem the King Miles available in the deceased’s King Club account, subject to the validity of the Miles and the Membership itself.

1. Kingfisher and/or Programme Partners shall not be liable to any Member or to such Member’s nominee or companion or guardian, for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense of any kind whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the King Club programme and/or the provision or the refusal to provide any benefits or service, whether such loss, damage or expense is caused by negligence or otherwise, and whether Kingfisher and or its Programme Partners have any control over the circumstances giving rise to the claim or not.

2. Kingfisher will not be liable for any loss arising from the failure by Programme Partners to provide services or benefits to which a Member may be entitled to underor pursuant to the King Club programme.

3. The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian law. Kingfisher and the Member irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Mumbai to resolve any disputes that may arise out of or in connection with King Club programme.